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Student Trustee Report for October 16, 2020 Meeting

Writer's picture: Nushi YapabandaraNushi Yapabandara

10/16/2020 ASGSJCC Report


    1. Special meeting on 10/14

      1. Contract renewals

        1. SJCC & EVC adjunct professor contract renewals

        2. Faculty personnel

        3. Classified personnel

      2. Hourly, student work, & volunteer actions

      3. Curriculum recommendations

        1. SJCC

        2. EVC

      4. Contracts & agreements

        1. SYNNEX Corporation - for Advanced Technology Solutions Aggregator

        2. VITAS-SJCC - for nursing program

        3. EVC-Redwoods Post-Acute - for nursing students for experience in “real patient care”

        4. EVC-Netflex Learning Programs - for development of technical education pathways

        5. EVC-Foothill CC MOU - for $15,000 to California Virtual Campus contract from now until 09/21

        6. SJCC-International Programs MOU (item F-15) - several collaborations

        7. SJECCD Dental externships

          1. Blossom Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

          2. Dr. B Pediatric Dentistry

          3. Suezaki Family Dentistry

        8. SJECCD-State of California for childcare - increase reimbursement for employee childcare costs

          1. General childcare

          2. Preschool

        9. SJCC-Ironworker apprenticeship renewal - item tabled

        10. HSI grant acceptance

        11. SJECCD-Dependency Advocacy Center MOU - provides resources for parents fighting for custody against the State

        12. SJECCD-Sunday Friends MOU - partnership to increase student accessibility to translator and interpreter experience

        13. SJECCD-County of Santa Clara Workforce Institute - increases pay for instructors

        14. Sparkpoint-United Way Bay Area benefitting SJECCD - $145,000 grant to increase accessibility for disenfranchised students

      5. Bonds

        1. Measure X-2010 Bond Program

          1. Student Services Center project - increases funding to account for increased personnel costs

          2. Kinesiology program (item G-3) - evaluating environmental concerns associated with program

          3. Lease-leaseback agreements - to plan projects and identify Guaranteed Maximum Prices

        2. Measure G-2020 Bond Program

          1. Agreement with Ann Kennedy Group - for construction

      6. Action agenda

        1. Budget transfers - reallocations as needed

        2. Support of Filipino/Filipinx American History Month

        3. Support of (Dis)abilities Awareness Month

        4. Support of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

        5. Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Appropriations - roughly $176,000,000

        6. Support of Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

        7. Purchase of Sun Ridge Systems - computer aided dispatch and record management for campus police department

        8. Support of Undocumented Student Week of Action

        9. Authorizing issuance of SJECCD general obligation refunding bonds

        10. Carmen Castellano Day

        11. Next steps for previously passed DEI resolution

          1. Concern around involving community members as stakeholders to ensure measures are truly what is needed

          2. I suggested having external accountability committee comprised of community members

        12. Credit for Prior Learning - Chancellor is working with Academic Senates to determine protocol for this

        13. Bond list revisions

          1. #21

          2. #22

        14. Amendments to Project Labor Agreement (item H-15)

        15. Chancellor Breland’s contract renewal (item H-16) - roughly $374,000 annual salary, $30,000 in deferred compensation plans

        16. Fiscal Year 20-21 Budget - increased to increase student access to much needed resources during the pandemic

      7. Informational agenda

        1. Economic Impact Analysis (item I-1)

          1. Return on investment for every $1 invested into Santa Clara County economy as follows:

          2. Students gain $6.10 in lifetime earnings

          3. Taxpayers gain $2.30 in added tax revenue and public sector savings

          4. Society gains $12 in added income and social savings

        2. Biannual Reporting on Board’s End Policies

          1. For Student Success and Community Impact

          2. Assists in well-informed data driven decision making for district

        3. Presentation for SJECCD Initial Proposal for Collective Bargaining Agreement with San Jose Evergreen Federation of Teachers (item I-4)

          1. Beginning of conversation

        4. Presentation for SJECCD Initial Proposal for Collective Bargaining Agreement with California School Employees Association (item I-5)

          1. Beginning of conversation

        5. Presentation for San Jose Evergreen Federation of Teachers Initial Proposal for Collective Bargaining Agreement with SJECCD (item I-6)

          1. Beginning of conversation

      8. Oral communications

        1. President reports

          1. SJCC

          2. Microsoft’s Growth and Resilience in Tech

          3. $500 awarded in COVID-19 assistance to almost 1,800 students

          4. SJCC Drive Thru Food Distribution - served over 8,000 students

          5. Fixing wifi in Parking Lot B

          6. EVC

        2. Chancellor’s report

          1. Nothing other than contract renewal (see above)

        3. Board of Trustees

      9. Board Meeting Evaluation

        1. Adhering to evaluation standards previously set up for accountability purposes

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